Essential Safety Tips for Scuba Diving
Michael “Mike” Lelasher is an award-winning construction professional in Columbus, Ohio. Away from work, Michael Lelasher enjoys powerlifting and scuba diving as hobbies.
Scuba diving is a popular water-based activity enjoyed worldwide. However, like other recreational activities, there are risks of injury. Before every dive, divers should observe certain safety precautions and have the requisite information to handle dangerous situations.
Never hold your breath while diving. This is a crucial safety rule that all divers must follow. Holding your breath underwater can result in serious injuries such as an air bubble entering the bloodstream or a damaged lung, among other things, which can result in death. These injuries occur because inhaled air has no way to escape, so you must continue to breathe regardless of the circumstances.
Furthermore, always ensure that you conduct a pre-dive check on your gear to determine that they are in good condition. These checks can prevent a potentially life-threatening situation caused by malfunctioning equipment. In addition, familiarize yourself with how your gear functions and, while underwater, equalize your ears regularly to avoid injury to your inner ear due to changing water pressure.